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Harrisdale SHS is closed for a Whole School Reporting Day. Parents will have the opportunity to book an appointment to see their child/s teacher/s to discuss term 1 interim reports
Excursion organisers: Makenzie Lee & Cheney ArmstrongStudents are to arrive at school at 7:30am sharp and maketheir way promptly to the sports hall where attendance will be checked by theteacher in charge of their particular sport. It is envisaged students willarrive back at school by 3:30pm. Venue: Fremantle Netball Association, Gibson Park, High St&, Chudleigh […]
Excursion Organiser: Heidi NickolaiThe Mock Trial Competition (MTC) is an educational programmerun by the Law Society for secondary school students. The MTC is a role playingactivity in which teams of school students take on the roles of barristers,instructing solicitors, witnesses and court staff to present both sides of afictitious case before a mock trial judge […]
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is a prestigious program aimed at empowering young individuals to challenge themselves, discover their passions, and develop valuable skills for life. Through a balanced framework of volunteering, physical activities, skill development, and adventurous expeditions, participants embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. At Harrisdale Senior High School, […]
Event organiser: Hayley Bettermann For GAT students in Yrs 7-10 Please refer to your Consent2Go invite for further information
Excursion Organiser: Eve RussellThe day will feature a diverse range of interactive stallswhere students can engage in hands on activities related to different trades,as well as engage with the Defence industry! Students can gain valuable careeradvice from apprentices, trainers, local employers and industryrepresentatives.Cost: $10 (covers bus fare, lunch and refreshments) PPErequired! Fully enclosed shoes, long sleeve […]
Excursion organiser: Matthew AdamsStudents are to arrive at school at 7:45am sharp and maketheir way promptly to the sports hall where attendance will be checked by theteacher in charge of their particular sport. It is envisaged students willarrive back at school by 2:50pm for a normal school departure. Venue: Willetton Basketball Stadium, 58 Burrendah Blvd,Willetton […]
Excursion Organiser: James HoylandThe Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC) is a nationwideSTEM outreach program presented by the University of Newcastle in partnershipwith communities, Rotary clubs, universities and sponsors. Through the SEC,students experience aspects of science and engineering which they would notusually see in their school environment.Compete in STEM challenges against school from across WA,build links […]
Excursion Organiser: Timothy ChangThe Chamber Chorale will compete in the 2023 FremantleEisteddfod's Age 18 and Under Choral Recital competition.The 2024 Chamber Chorale will engage in their first publicperformance of the year. This will require students to develop the disciplineneeded to prepare recital repertoire and the courage needed to perform inpublic. The Eisteddfod will also give […]
Please refer to correspondence sent to families via email who have registered for this event.
Harrisdale Senior High School is an Independent Public School committed to high standards and high expectations of our students. At Harrisdale, our goal is to bring out the best in every learner such that our students enjoy success and develop as capable, confident and caring young adults.
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