Uniform Policy
At Harrisdale Senior High School, we believe that the wearing of school uniform promotes and symbolises pride in our school.
To view our must up to date uniform policy, click on the button below.
Current Uniform
View our current uniform on our students
Our school uniform supplier is Uniform Concepts.
Uniform Concepts Super Store is located at 24/26 Solomon Rd, Jandakot.
Contact details, opening hours, address and price list/order form are found on their brochures below.
To order online, click on the link below to go directly to Harrisdale Senior High School online ordering.
School Bags
If you are looking to purchase a reliable backpack, our uniform shop does stock the Airopak backpack for $49.00 in black or navy in the medium size only.
We have tested the bag by packing all our students equipment including:
Sports gear (excluding shoes), jacket, device, lunchbox, drink bottle, hat, pencil case and subject folders and still had room to spare. The zips and fasteners are sturdy, the shoulder straps wide and padded with a (removable) waist belt. The mesh water bottle holder will fit a large drink bottle.
The padded laptop compartment completely seals off from the main compartment of the bag (no holes bottom or top for water or lunches to leak into) and it does fit a covered 17" Surface Pro in a skin.
Bags are made from Tufflite fabric, a revolutionary woven nylon stronger and lighter than performance nylon. Bags come with a lifetime warranty for manufacturing defects.
For a closer inspection, check out the following links:
Tips, tricks and useful information about your child's school bag
Click on the link below for some great information to help parents and students manage school bags.