Our Logo
Our logo provides a representation of our school’s vision and mission.
Our vision is to be a school of excellence in learning and teaching
Harrisdale Senior High School is committed to the pursuit of excellence and preparing young adults to engage confidently and responsibly in an ever-changing global community. Harrisdale Senior High School aims to provide a successful and enjoyable schooling experience for students. We want every student to develop the dispositions and skills to lead happy, healthy and balanced lives. We want every student to exit school as a confident, capable and caring young adult prepared for his or her next step to further education, training or the world of work, and seeking to make a positive contribution to our global community.

Accomplishing our mission calls on the deep engagement and purposeful interaction of four key partners in our learning community, represented by the stripes on our logo: our students; our teachers and support staff; our families; and our friends and external support groups within the wider school community.

We work together to build a sense of belonging and connection - among our students; among our staff; between our students and staff, our school and families, our school and the wider community; and, importantly, with our ever-changing global community. We provide learning opportunities that connect learners with each other, ideas, people, beliefs and values. We prepare young adults with the self-belief, knowledge, skills and desire to lead happy, productive lives and to make a positive difference to their community.

The circular shape of our logo and the figures within it represent the global community in which our students, staff, families and wider school community belong and connect.
The selection of green, sky blue and navy blue for our logo represents elements of our connection with the natural landscape - the broad expanse of sky above, the preserved bushland adjacent to our school, and Forrestdale Lake and nature reserve nearby.
Forrestdale Lake has special significance for us. The lake and surrounds are an important wetland reserve covering an area of 245 hectares. The area is recognised in particular for its bird life with more than 70 species of waterbirds recorded at the lake. The reserve provides a migration stop-over for waterbirds including the Calidris subminuta, a long-toed stint that migrates from Siberia 1.
1 Giblett R, 2006, Forrestdale People and Place, Access Press, p135
Our Artworks
The series of artworks for Harrisdale Senior High School is inspired by ‘networks’ – specifically the network of neurons in the brain that carry information in a dynamic and complex series of synapses or triggers. This concept of networks extends to the practical structure of the school and the many different support areas that provide the students and staff with a rich learning and teaching environment.
The 3D artworks capture the silhouette of a young adult’s mind, significantly looking outward and forward in new directions. Internal and integrated artworks represent the trigger points and pathways of the mind. These mental pathways refer to the range of studies the students undertake throughout high school, and the various pathways they pursue, be they academic, creative or practical.
This series of Artworks for Harrisdale Senior High School was created by artists Jason Hirst and Tim Macfarlane Reid.