Harrisdale Senior High School is excited to be partnering with Parkerville Children and Youth Care in running a free weekly parent information morning tea every Monday from 8.30am to 9.30am in the school library.
If you would like to attend any of the workshops occurring during Term 3, click on the corresponding RSVP tabs. Please include your full name and number of adult attendees.
Harrisdale Senior High School Parent Information Workshops are a Communicare Communities for Children Armadale activity funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and delivered by Parkerville Children and Youth Care.
1. Keeping Kids Safe Online
Learn the risks associated with technology such as social networking sites and learn strategies on how to keep children and young people safe.
2. Community Resources
Learn about the current supports for families in Harrisdale's local community.
3. Emotional Regulation in Adolescents
Learn about how the adolescent brain processes emotion and explore different strategies to promote healthy self-regulation in your child.
RSVP by Friday, 31/08/18
4. Sleep Hygiene
Learn the science of sleep, as well as strategies to promote healthy sleep for your child's mental health and academic performance.
RSVP by Friday, 07/09/18
5. Understanding Adolescent Boys
Take a look inside the teenage brain while we explore risk-taking behaviour, and strategies for healthy teenage years.
RSVP by Friday, 14/09/18