If you are interested in hiring Harrisdale SHS facilities in 2019 you are asked to email Danae Jolley at danae.jolley@education.wa.edu.au with the following information:
- Contact name, phone number and email address
- Activity name e.g club, church
- Premises you would like to hire e.g Sports Hall, Library
- Day/s, times and frequency
- School holiday access required
2019 Hire Rates (School Board endorsed)
- Sports Hall - $32 per hour
- Cafe (not kitchen facilities) - $28 per hour
- Library - $28 per hour
- Hard Courts - $24 per hour
- Classrooms - $20 per hour
*Please note that submitting and Expression of Interest does not guarantee Harrisdale SHS has the availability to offer you the hire of our facilities in 2019. Expression of Interest will only be accepted via email. The closing date for Expression of Interest, Community Use Hire of Facilities is 5 September 2018.